Powerfully compact bookmark manager for teams and web enthusiasts.

We're a powerful start page for web enthusiasts and teams looking to share and collaborate.

Meet the bookmark manager for sharing and productivity.

So compact. So powerful. You might just fall in love.

minimarks - Compact bookmark manager for teams and web enthusiasts | Product Huntminimarks - Compact bookmark manager for teams and web enthusiasts | Product Hunt

Bookmark sharing made simple by design

Share and publish your collections

minimarks is a collaborative platform built with teams in mind. Our app enables you to share bookmarks and start collections with anyone—colleagues, friends, or family. In addition, you can choose to publish a collection, making it accessible to the entire web.

Comment and discuss with your team

Bookmark comments and team chat

Using our bookmark comments feature, you can chat directly with anyone on your team and keep the conversation focused on articles, reports, documents, and other shared items.

A minimalist start page for productivity

Designed to make you more productive

Our compact user interface displays more of your bookmarks and keeps things simple. Group related bookmarks as collections and instantly find what you're looking for using the built-in search bar.

It works across devices and on all browsers

Compact start page for every browser

Your bookmarks shouldn't be confined to a particular browser or device. For the best browsing experience, set minimarks as your start page on Safari, Chrome, Brave, Firefox, and all other browsers you typically use. You can also keep your page as a separate, pinned tab and use it to search for and launch your favorite sites.

Color themes that go beyond dark mode

Make your start page look how you want

Wish things could be a bit more colorful? minimarks lets you change the look and feel of your start page—beyond simply light or dark mode. We have several themes available, so you can find one you like.

Wait, we're not done yet

We know you're eager to try our app, and we can't wait to show you our amazing set of features.

One homepage

Our one-page UI lets you see all your bookmarks and browse the web at lightning speed.

Made for sharing

We make it easy to share bookmarks and keep everyone on the same page.

Bookmark comments

Want to discuss a document, or other bookmark? It's easy with our comments feature.

RSS collections

Stay on top of the latest news, by adding your favorite sites as RSS collections on your page.

Productive spaces

You can organize your bookmarks into collections and even group your collections.

Instant search

Our advanced search bar lets you instantly find and open any website or article.

Color themes

Dark mode is just the beginning. Choose a theme to personalize your page.

Works everywhere

Access your bookmarks from any web browser and on any mobile device.

Ready to switch?

We think you will love minimarks, so we want you to try it for free! Click below to create an account and take it for a spin—no credit card required.